8. Additional rules for compliance

Some criteria present in the accessibility standards have not been retained in the body of this notice because they are considered to be rarely applicable.

However, following these additional rules is necessary to ensure RGAA 4 and WCAG 2.1 compliance.

They are listed below :

  • Limit the use of flash effects
  • Do not provide information based on shape, size or position only
  • Do not open a new window automatically
  • Allow the control of redirections
  • Provide an alternative for each functionality based on the movement of the device and/or the person
  • Provide an alternative via a simple gesture for each complex gesture that serves as a feature control
  • Provide a means to modify, delete or recover one’s own data of a legal or financial nature, or related to the passing of a test or examination
  • Provide a summary for each complex data table
  • Provide accessible office documents (PDF, DOC, etc.) or provide equivalent accessible alternative versions


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