6.1. Identify inline quotes and block quotes

When quotes are included in the content, use the tools provided by the publishing software for this purpose rather than using simple paragraphs inside quotation marks.

By doing so, assistive devices such as braille displays or screen readers can announce the presence of a quote.

There are two types of quotation:

  • Inline quotes that are inserted within a sentence or paragraph.
  • Block quotes that form isolated blocks and can be read outside their context.
The “Blockquote” button is used to transform the selected text into a block quote.

If the publishing software does not have a feature for entering inline quotes, simply use quotation marks.

To be customized

In the section above, specify the procedures for entering inline and block quotes.

Delete this recommendation if the publishing software does not have tools for inline and block quotes.


Quotes and block quotes must only be used to highlight quotes.

They should not be used to format text in italic, for example, or obtain an indented paragraph.


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